Women of Winter WoW Donation and Participation Waiver and Release Form
My donation to Women of Winter WoW (WoW) is in support of WoW’s mission to promote activities in a safe and supportive environment for women of all ages to be able to enjoy and compete in winter sports and related activities. I assert that no goods or services were received in exchange for this donation.
I confirm that my contact information can be used by WoW with my herein consent solely for the purposes of use in relation to WoW and activities that I participate.I understand WoWdoes not and will not share this information with any third-party nor sell email addressesnor share email addresses with mailing lists nor initiate contact unless the communication is WoW related.
I represent and warrant to WoW that I am physically capable of participating in WoW activities, and that I have made a voluntary choice to participate in these activities despite the risks that they represent. I recognize that there is an inherent risk of injury associated with participation in sports and WoW activities and understand that I am subject to possible injury and death and also understand that by my participation, to assume any and all risks of injury or death, which might be associated with or result from my participation in these events.
I further agree to release from liability and to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers and sponsors of WoW activities and their owners, directors, agents, landowners, affiliated companies, employees, volunteers and participants for any from any and all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses or judgments, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, and court costs (collectively “Claims”) arising in my participation in damage, injury, or death to myself or to any person or property from any additional actions connected with my participation or practice for or my participation in these activities.
I, the undersigned, attest and have carefully read and understood this agreement and all of its terms. I understand that this is a release of liability against WoW, its officers and directors and WoW participants which will legally prevent me or any other person from filing suit or making any other legal claim (including any claim based on negligence) for damages in the event of my death or any injury to me. I nevertheless enter this agreement freely and voluntarily and agree that it is binding upon me, my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.
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Signature Date
Rev. 12/1/14